2013 Artworks

This subject matter has once again evolved into another form combining with another subject matter (the RED Cup).   Each subject matter represents different phrases of my existence for the past 16 years. As the abovementioned quote, ‘...life will change, must change, and has changed…,’ the present art work is consisting of three Perspex blocks put together with a RED Cup (made using a 3D printer technology).  These objects are not permanently stick together because this art work will continue to evolve in the future.

‘Futurism is an art of re-perception. It means recognizing that life will change, must change, and has changed, and it suggests how and why. It shows that old perceptions have lost their validity, while new ones are possible.’
 - Michael Bruce Sterling

Title: Journey of Exploration
Medium: Mixed Media-Digital Print, MT Tapes & 3D Print, Perspex blocks
Dimension: 35.5(L) x 35.5(W) x 28(H)cm
Year: 2013
